Membership Information:
If you have an interest in Shag Dancing, you are invited to join the Lake Hickory Shag Club. Membership benefits include:
-Members pay only $5 cover charge at monthly parties.
-Members get in FREE on their birthday month.
-FREE Members Appreciation Party including meal.
-$5 discount on S.O.S. Card purchase.
-FREE Members' Beach Party at September S.O.S.
-FREE subscription to our Boogie Business club newsletter.
You can print our Membership Application, fill it out, and mail it with $20 (checks can be made out to LHSC) to
Lake Hickory Shag Club, c/o Ann Sigmon, 603 29th Ave NE #148, Hickory, NC 28601, or bring the membership fee to the next dance and fill out the form there.
CLICK HERE for the History of the Shag Dance
History of the Lake Hickory Shag Club
Lake Hickory Shag Club was organized in March 1987 by Ann Sigmon and Jim Dingler. Both were lovers of shag dancing and wanted to share this love and experience with others in the Hickory area. Since then, shaggers and "beginning" shaggers have gathered at the VFW in Hickory, NC, home of the club, for dancing and fellowship. Membership has averaged around 100 people each year for the past several years.
- Lake Hickory Shag Club is incorporated in the State of North Carolina and a member of the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs and National Fast Dance Association.
- Activities are planned and directed by Officers and Directors, elected annually from the membership.
- An annual budget, which includes expenses for DJ's at each function and other overhead costs, are funded by annual dues of $20.
- The Club has several ways for members to become involved: Officers, newsletter, and volunteering at parties.
Our first goal is to provide a place for music, shagging, socializing, and fellowship. Unless notified otherwise, the Club has one dance each month from 6:30 - 10:30 pm. Door cover charge for monthly parties: Member- $5 Guest- $10 Juniors- $1. Our party schedule is listed under the Parties & Dances tab, in our newsletter, and a reminder phone call the week of the party.
Our second goal is to introduce others to Shagging! The Club accomplishes this by offering shag lessons ( Info under Shag Lessons tab). Chip and Jackie Smith are our shag instructors.
Club Officers